Students who struggle with math often don’t know their multiplication facts and lack a basic understanding of fractions.  Gina Cattle of We Can Work it Out Tutoring sees it so often.  A student is unable to follow a teacher’s explanation of a problem because they get left behind when the teacher skims over the multiplication or division step.  There is often a fear of fractions, or anything that looks like it might involve a fraction.  The student’s mind then blocks out the explanation.  They might hear the teacher speaking but they have no idea what is being said.

If that sounds like your child then Gina can help. In fact, during the 20 years that she has been teaching math she has helped hundreds of students, of all ages, overcome their difficulties with multiplication facts and fractions. Through her belief that there is not one size that fits all when it comes to children’s learning, she has developed many strategies and resources to help students learn their multiplication facts and solve problems involving fractions. By listening carefully to students’ comments Gina has been able to create activities and strategies to help both them and others. As confidence rises, students are able to comprehend their new classwork and grades improve, often significantly.

Gina’s tutoring sessions always adapt to meet the needs of that student on that day however here are some program options that may be appropriate for your student. These programs are not grade-level specific. Children begin learning multiplication facts at a very young age, fractions are being introduced in 2nd grade, and by high school they are used within many math topics and required in college prep tests such as PERT, ACT and SAT. Gina’s programs are adjusted and targeted to meet the needs of each student individually.

Whilst Distance Learning is still required in Florida, all lessons will be conducted using Zoom. Once the restriction is lifted, students will be able to come to Gina’s teaching den. Visit the We Can Work It Out Tutoring Facebook page to find out more about Gina and to read some recommendations.

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