The COVID-19 pandemic provided a great opportunity for businesses to realize the efficiencies gained by remote workplaces and allowing employees to work from home. Employees benefited because they like the flexibility, the absence of a commute, and a greater freedom of where they live. Meanwhile, employers are exploring the savings in office rent and associated expenses, and the benefits of being able to find talent beyond traditional geographic limits. So, working from home—in varying degrees—appears to be part of a new reality that will continue long after the pandemic has passed. From a security standpoint, this means that all organizations need to sharpen their focus on keeping their workers—and backend infrastructure—secure.

Here are seven steps employers can take to help ensure security is maintained, even when employees are working from home:

1. Create an Official Tech Toolbox—and Require Its Use.
2. Require Use of Company-Issued Computers.
3. Ensure All Remote Access Programs are Disabled—Unless Specifically Needed.
4. Educate, Educate, Continue to Educate.
5. Protect Financial Functions with Additional Layers of Approvals and Validations.
6. Deploy Robust Backup Systems, and Ensure they Are Used.
7. Invest in Strong IT Security Operations.

To learn more about keeping your business secure, visit us at

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